Animal Legislation

It’s Now or Never: Stop Dog Trafficking Now!
By Patti Strand | Published: 07/30/2019We are at a tipping point in a long and evolving battle. Either we stop it now or we must accept a slow and steady erosion of the health, quality, and type of dogs available to Americans in the future

Please Comment on Proposed Changes to USDA Pet Breeder/Dealer Licensing Requirements!
By Patti Strand | Published: 05/16/2019Dog lovers, your voice is needed!

“Homes for Animal Heroes Act” Becomes Washington State Law
By Patti Strand | Published: 05/8/2019Washington State Senate Bill 5212, known and cited as the “Homes for Animal Heroes Act,” was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee on April 29, 2019, and becomes effective July 28, 2019.

CDC Report Highlights Vital Importance of Effective Dog Importation Regulations
By Patti Strand | Published: 12/21/2018The CDC’s December 21, 2018 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report covers a rabid dog imported from Egypt by an animal rescue organization, and highlights why our efforts to develop effective regulations of dog importation…

2018 Farm Bill Signed Into Law
By Patti Strand | Published: 12/20/2018At long last, the 2018 Farm Bill has been passed by both houses of Congress and signed by President Trump.

NAIA Applauds Critical Farm Bill Provision
By Patti Strand | Published: 06/14/2018NAIA is encouraged by the bipartisan support for protecting human and animal health demonstrated today, and looks forward to working with Congress to ensure that risks associated with dog imports are addressed in the final Farm…

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions - So is AB 485
By Patti Strand | Published: 09/5/2017The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding…

NAIA: Bringing People Together For the Greater Good
By Sara Chisnell | Published: 04/27/2017National Animal Interest Alliance conferences are intended to not only educate, but to foster and promote relationships between individual attendees and various groups. The last conference in Florida did just that!

Dog Days in Sacramento
By Patti Strand | Published: 04/18/2017With AB 485, California would outsource the supply of dogs available to consumers to the least regulated and poorest selection of dogs available.
Graphs Showing California Shelter Data
By Patti Strand | Published: 08/14/2015The following set of graphs are designed to assist in understanding pet population dynamics in California.

The Chain Pharmacy Welfare Act
By Arnold L. Goldman DVM, MPH, NAIA Board Member | Published: 08/5/2015Most Americans are unaware that politicians in the pocket of the national pharmacy chains are working very hard to increase the cost, and reduce the usage, of veterinary care…

Carriage Horse Hatred: A Fundraising Program for Activist Organizations
By Arnold L. Goldman DVM, MPH, NAIA Board Member | Published: 04/7/2014The human partnership with working animals runs long and deep and the carriage horse remains a touchstone to that past, allowing us to remember a simpler time, when that very partnership was essential to life itself. We many are…

What is wrong with putting teeth in the dog laws?
By Dr. Marty Greer, DVM, JD, NAIA Chair | Published: 11/27/2013Everyone agrees for dogs, cats, humans, and most species, that dental care is beneficial to the patient’s health. Unfortunately, in some cases, it can become fatal for some pets when we legislate improved dental care.

The Retail Pet Store Final Rule and You!
By Patti Strand | Published: 09/15/2013Since May 2012, purebred dog and cat enthusiasts, rabbit and other small animal breeders and animal activists have been focused on the USDA’s proposed rule updating the retail pet store definition in the federal Animal Welfare…

Let’s Make Shelter Pets a Memory, not a Mascot
By Patti Strand | Published: 04/4/2013Celebrate the people involved in animal rescue and shelter work who dedicate their lives to saving lives, who come up with innovative ideas to find permanent homes for animals. Celebrate responsible pet owners. But don’t turn…

NAIA comments on USDA pet store licensing exemptions
By Patti Strand | Published: 08/15/2012NAIA’s comments to USDA APHIS regarding retail pet store and licensing exemptions.

Deadline Looms: Send Your Comments to USDA APHIS!
By Patti Strand | Published: 07/2/2012You don’t need to be a lawyer or a policy expert in order to provide effective comments to USDA APHIS.

The USDA Proposed Rule and You
By Patti Strand | Published: 05/17/2012The comment period is open for 60 days, your input will make a difference!

Maryland’s Pit Bull Owners: Guilty Until Proven Innocent
By Julian Prager | Published: 05/1/2012Common Law principles overruled in Maryland

Oregon HB 4170 Passes Unanimously
By Patti Strand | Published: 03/2/2012In an impressive display of bipartisanship, the Oregon state Legislature has unanimously passed HB 4170, a bill that authorizes dog training and testing on exclusive farm use (EFU) zones.
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