Veterinary Issues

Canine Respiratory Illness Unnerves Dog Owners – But Should It?
By | Published: 11/29/2023Any dog owner who has watched TV, read a newspaper, or clicked on social media during the last few weeks is likely to be concerned about a new canine respiratory illness.

CDC Extends Suspension of Dog Imports from Countries with High Rabies Prevalence
By | Published: 02/2/2023NAIA welcomes actions taken by the CDC to protect the public’s health against the reintroduction of the dog-maintained rabies virus variant into the United States.

More Dog Importation in the News…
By Patti Strand | Published: 07/7/2020NAIA broke the story in 2000 and has been raising awareness of the dangers posed by the mass-importation of unvetted dogs into the U.S. for two decades…

Cosmetic Ear Cropping: An Open Letter
By Arnold L. Goldman DVM, MPH, NAIA Board Member | Published: 01/13/2020The College of Veterinarians of British Columbia has a policy entitled “Cosmetic Ear Cropping of Dogs” which admonishes its members to cease ear-cropping surgery. This policy is the result of what some describe as a minority…

USDA Releases Key Report on Canine Imports
By Patti Strand | Published: 08/26/2019The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released a key report finding that over 1 million dogs are imported into the U.S. each year. And, of those one million, less than one percent are subject to thorough health screenings…

There’s No Purebred Paradox, Only Love
By Arnold L. Goldman DVM, MPH, NAIA Board Member | Published: 06/1/2018For the life of me, I cannot understand why a colleague would impugn the motives and professionalism of her fellow veterinarians, while also denigrating a part of life so dear to the many clients we are duty bound to serve.

AVMA HOD: Recall and Redraft Breeder Proposal!
By Dr. Marty Greer, DVM, JD, NAIA Chair | Published: 01/13/2017The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), has coming before its House of Delegates, a proposal to govern how veterinarians work with dog breeders.