Animal Welfare

NAIA 2024 Conference: Animal Experts Unite
By | Published: 08/10/2024NAIA’s annual conference is in Texas this year! Mark your calendar for October 19-20, 2024

NAIA 2023 Conference: Preparing For The Looming Dog Shortage
By | Published: 04/6/2023In 2023, the NAIA annual conference returns to Portland, Oregon and YOU are invited!

NAIA Leads Appeal for Healthy Dog Import Resources for USDA
By | Published: 04/12/2022Today, the National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA) was joined by nearly a dozen national animal health, veterinary, livestock, and pet stakeholder organizations urging Congress to protect pets, livestock, and U.S. public health…

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By | Published: 10/1/2021Self-exams for women and home-exams for pets lead to early detection and longer lives. Start today!

President’s Message: April 3, 2020
By Patti Strand | Published: 04/3/2020At NAIA, our hearts go out to the families who have suffered losses during this destructive pandemic.

“Operation Dog Catcher” highlights growing awareness of dog importation problems
By Patti Strand | Published: 05/7/2019A recent CDC article by Molly K. Houle, DVM, illustrates the growing awareness of the problems of dog importation by government agencies, what they are doing to stop it, as well as a growing level of sophistication among groups…

NAIA Develops Pet Adoption Initiative for Former Research Animals
By Patti Strand | Published: 07/18/2016National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA) welcomes Kelli Brisby, NAIA’s very first Director of Development!

NAIA Applauds USDA Rule Protecting Pets and People!
By Patti Strand | Published: 08/18/2014The new USDA rule published in today’s Federal Register represents a giant step forward in protecting American citizens, pets and other animals from diseases and parasites introduced by foreign dogs.

What is Animal Welfare and why is it important?
By Patti Strand | Published: 06/10/2014Some people use the terms animal welfare and animal rights interchangeably, suggesting that they represent the same concerns, principles and practices. But the differences between the two are significant and irreconcilable.

Brave New World: The 2012 NAIA Conference
By Patti Strand | Published: 07/6/2012With presentations from world-renowned animal welfare authorities, award-winning writers, veterinarians, and experts in agriculture and law, this is the can’t-miss animal event of 2012!

The USDA Proposed Rule and You
By Patti Strand | Published: 05/17/2012The comment period is open for 60 days, your input will make a difference!

Pure Breeds, Mixes, and Designer Breeds
By Jerold S. Bell, DVM | Published: 03/26/2012The Clinical Truth About Pure Breeds, Mixed Breeds, and Designer Breeds. Commentary by Jerold S. Bell, DVM.

Crufts: Lost Opportunities
By Dr. Marty Greer, DVM, JD, NAIA Chair | Published: 03/23/2012Last year, the Kennel Club announced it was ushering in big changes for 2012, the most noted being new judging criteria, where a veterinarian can overrule a dog show judge, taking away the breed win and eliminating that dog from…

Denise Minger
By Administrator | Published: 02/26/2012Fighting for nutrition in a world ruled by politics and ideology.

The Red Cow: Calves of Winter
By Lana Kaiser | Published: 02/25/2012It’s a balancing act. Everything about raising cattle is a balancing act.

The Global Stray Dog Population Crisis
By Patti Strand | Published: 11/17/2011Exploding populations, increasing attacks on citizens, and spiraling rabies epidemics have transformed this issue from a third world problem to a global public health priority.

Humane or Insane?
By Patti Strand | Published: 01/30/2003If you don’t know what’s happening at your local animal shelter, or what local pet rescue groups are up to, it’s time to find out! Dangerous practices are developing that threaten public health, sustain ‘pet…