
Wildlife Journal

Exxon Leads The Fight to Save the Tiger

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/13/2012

In 1995, the Exxon Corporation put its money behind it’s corporate logo and pledged $5 million to tiger conservation. The money was to be given over five years and administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Salmon Problems Date Back More Than 50 Years

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/13/2012

Environmental groups blame cattle ranchers in the Pacific Northwest for the decline in salmon runs and campaign for restrictions that will keep livestock away from streams.


By Stephen S. Boynton | Published: 01/13/2012

In conjunction with state trapper affiliates and other sportsmen’s and conservation groups, the National Trappers Association has initiated law suits in Arizona, California, and Colorado to challenge past ballot initiatives…

Activists Fined for Violating MMPA

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

Animal rights advocates Richard O’Barry, a vocal critic of captive cetacean shows, and Lloyd Good were fined $59,500 for the 1996 release of two dolphins from Sugarloaf Dolphin Sanctuary in Sugarloaf Key, Florida, in violation…


By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

In March 2000, participants at the National Animal Interest Alliance Animal law Conference drafted and ratified a resolution urging the US Congress to bring the Marine Mammal Protection Act into compliance with world trade agreements…

Bang Bang You’re Dead by William Mastrosimone

By James A. Swan, Ph.D | Published: 01/13/2012

When I read William Mastrosimone’s article “Confessions of A Violent Screenwriter” in a recent issue of Written By (the magazine of Writer’s Guild West), I was heartened to hear a screenwriter expressing…

Congress says no to trapping restrictions on wildlife refuges

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

The Congressional conference committee reconciling the House and Senate versions of the Interior Department funding bill eliminated the trapping ban sought by animal rights activists. The ban passed the House in July but failed…

Wildlife Log

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/13/2012

The National Wilderness Institute, the Texas Wildlife Association, and the United Sportsmen of Pennsylvania. called for removal of Jamie Rappaport Clark, director of the US Fish and Wildlife Services, for diversion of conservation…

Anti-hunt Group Threatens Royal Family with Mayhem

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

Police protection for Prince William has been increased because of fears that animal rights activists will carry out threats made by the Hunt Retribution Squad, a violent group also implicated in attacks on Princess Anne and some…

Resolution: National Animal Interest Alliance Animal Law Conference March 4-5, 2000

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

Portland, Oregon: The key observation arising from the NAIA Animal Law Conference is that the promotion of animal - rights beliefs has produced unacceptable consequences that include ongoing violations of fundamental human rights.

Hunters Are The Mainstay of Canada’s Provincial Wildlife Management Programs

By Gary Mauser | Published: 01/13/2012

A recently completed study of Canadian hunting license fees compiled by Gary Mauser, vice president of the British Columbia Wildlife Federation, shows that hunters in Canada pay to the government, on average, almost $70 million…

House committee hears about private conservation success stories

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

The US House of Representative listened to a panel of enterprising citizens highlight and document the important role of private stewardship in this country and its lessons for forest management and species conservation in a September…

Western Forests Burn; Millions of Acres Destroyed: Government Policies Blamed for Destruction

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

Wildfires tore through the American West this summer and fall, making 2000 the worst season for fires in recent memory.

10 Environmental Groups Sue USDA Over Grazing Rights

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

Forest Guardians Inc. and nine other environmental groups in the American southwest have filed suit against the US Department of Agriculture and USDA Secretary Dan Glickman for the alleged failure of the US Forest Service to protect…

Young Makes It Clear: Field Trials are OK on Pittman-Roberson Conservation Lands

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

Alaska Representative Don Young made it plain: canine field trials are a legitimate use of conservation funds.

Field Trial Battles Began in Illinois

By M. Jayn Bigler | Published: 01/13/2012

Field Trial enthusiasts across the US are fighting to keep public areas open for their sport, but the US Fish and Wildlife Service is thwarting their efforts.

The Ultimate Goal? No Animals in Human Lives

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/13/2012

The AR agenda is far-reaching. Animal rights activists want to tell you what to eat, They want to tell you what to wear. They want to tell you what pets you are allowed to have.

Audubon Article Backs Hunting to Manage Deer

By Patti Strand | Published: 01/13/2012

The March-April, 2002, issue of Audubon Magazine featured “Wanted: More hunters,” by Ted Williams and a supporting commentary by editor David Seideman.

Raging Fires Devastate Forests, Destroy Homes, and Wipe Out Wildlife

By Norma Bennett Woolf | Published: 01/12/2012

After a relatively calm 2001 fire season, Vulcan has returned with a roar this year, blackening more than six million acres in states from Maine to California.

Returning River Otters to Former Habitat Thank you Mr. Sevin, Sir

By Tom Krause | Published: 01/12/2012

The coastal marshes of southern Louisiana have been blessed since creation with fertile sediment that has been carried by the Mississippi and other large rivers on a slow, southerly path into the Gulf of Mexico.

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