Inside This Issue:

  • In Los Angeles, Sound and Fury but No Solutions
  • 22 Exotic Animals Rescued from Their Rescue in Rochester, NY
  • Ohio Pet Rental Bill Isn't Raising a Ruckus. Why Is That?
  • Theft of 12 Goats Highlights Worrying Trend

In Los Angeles, Sound and Fury but No Solutions

Citing overcrowded shelters, the Los Angeles City Council voted to stop issuing new dog breeding licenses last week. NAIA opposes this ban and agrees with the American Kennel Club (AKC) statement that this ban will only stop the registered, responsible breeders in the area, and won’t improve shelter conditions. There is evidence that many of the people who get breeding permits from the city aren’t breeding dogs so much as using the license to be able to keep their dogs intact. Further, banning new breeding permits does nothing to stop the influx of dogs from outside of the area, unaltered strays, and from locals whose dogs have litters – intentional or not – without bothering to register for a breeding license.

In other words, the city council has chosen to go after the only responsible, above-ground source of dogs in the area. This is perfectly fine with PeTA and other extremist types, who are against the deliberate breeding of pets – period – but as for the issue of homeless animals and shelter overcrowding, this will be, at best, a pyrrhic victory. A policy that is based on a false premise won’t solve problems. It is a shame that lawmakers – in theory, the ones who are elected to solve their constituent’s problems – are not required to do their homework before casting a vote.

City of L.A. won’t issue new dog breeding licenses, citing overcrowded shelters

★     (Translated – on importation) Shelters for homeless dogs in Tijuana, necessary, but irregular
★     Puppies being exploited at California port of entry, say animal rights’ advocates




22 Exotic Animals Rescued from Their Rescue in Rochester, NY

A beautiful boa.

In this week’s installment of “Rescued from the Rescue,” Miles Exotic Pet Rescue in Rochester, NY was recently shuttered following an eviction, leaving behind an apartment full of animals needing care. The abandoned animals ranged from tiny fish to a red-tailed boa. 

The rescue was established to take in animals in need and provide educational outreach to the public about exotic pets and wildlife. Unfortunately, the deserted animals were left in pretty bad shape, needing better enclosures, vet check ups, and nourishment. Sadly, one had already died. Animals like reptiles have slower metabolisms than mammals, but they still need regular care, and their living conditions can go downhill quickly without someone looking after them. Good intentions and caring about animals are a great start, but those impulses are not enough to keep animals healthy and safe. Caring for living creatures is truly a full-time operation; it is unfortunate that proper arrangements weren’t made for these animals’ housing and welfare before the eviction was served on Miles Exotic Pet Rescue.

Exotic animals saved from abandoned pet rescue in Rochester

★     Dog rescue owner facing 4 felonies for animal mistreatment says shelter became "too overwhelming"
★     2 dead dogs among 90 neglected animals removed from N.J. property, officials say



Ohio Pet Rental Bill Isn't Raising a Ruckus. Why?

In February, we covered a proposed California bill that would force landlords to allow pets into their rental units under most conditions. The goals of the bill are to ease the housing crisis and to keep people and their pets together. These are issues with heavy human, humane, and societal costs that require urgent attention. Unfortunately, California's HSUS-sponsored bill deals in the type of feelgood authoritarian broad strokes that inevitably lead to more problems than they solve.

It's worth recognizing that this kind of legislation employs a common tactic of animal rights campaigns. First, it takes a complex, multi-faceted problem. Never mind if the problem is real, exaggerated, or imagined (the problems are real in this case), what matters is that people can be convinced that there is a problem requiring action. Next, you find a villain. Usually the bad guys are farmers, researchers, or breeders, but in this case it’s landlords. And given people’s current anxiety about housing and cost of living, this is especially fortuitous: even during the best of times, nobody likes landlords. Finally, you “solve” the problem by targeting the villain with some kind of comeuppance, usually with little regard for pesky details like whether the bill will actually be effective, how it will affect people’s livelihoods, its downstream consequences, and whether or not it can even be enforced. As long as the fundraising campaign ends with a victory that can be publicized, it’s a win!

Anyhow, it’s the middle of April now, so why are we talking about this? Oh yes, there’s a proposal in Ohio that is picking up steam, and it aims to tackle this issue, as well – but here, the carrot-to-stick ratio offers up fewer bruises and a lot more beta carotene: a $750 per unit tax credit (up to $7,500) for landlords who do not restrict pets or impose nonrefundable fees/higher rent for pet owners. And if a landlord prefers their units pet-free, they can keep it that way – they just don’t get the tax break.

This bill, the “Pet Friendly Rental Act,” surely isn’t a perfect solution. But that isn’t necessarily a critique. Because when it comes to complex issues like housing and pet ownership, there are far more moving parts and problems than can ever be solved with a single legislative stroke. And even with the simplest of issues, there are always costs and tradeoffs (someone, somehow, is subsidizing that $750 credit). But keen observers will notice this bill isn’t facing the same kind of concerns and objections as California’s proposal. Heck, it hasn’t even received opposing testimony in its hearings! Funny how problem solving that takes the interests of all affected parties into consideration – providing opportunities for participation, rather than punishment for non-compliance – tends to be less controversial.

Plan to give tax breaks for rentals that allow pets in Ohio moving ahead

★     Paw-friendly? Proposed bill would prevent California landlords from banning pets in rentals
★     Colorado Pet Rent Laws in 2024



Theft of 12 Goats Highlights Worrying Trend

Nubian goat.

On Tuesday, the owners of Drake Family Farm awoke to find thieves had stolen 12 of their goats. Seven of the goats were pregnant, and two had just given birth – one of them only hours earlier! The remaining three goats were newborn kids. Making matters even worse, one of the goats was suffering from toxemia. Without medication, it is assumed she is now dead.

While the farmers are offering a reward and have vowed not to give up farming, they are understandably feeling defeated and heartbroken by this theft.

Animals are stolen all the time, and for countless reasons. But over the last year there have been lots of reported thefts tied to resaleable animals. Part of this is no doubt due to current fashions in reporting, though the numbers are unquestionably on the rise in many areas. Whether we are talking about popular dog breeds, exotic pets, cattle, or even goats – this is something everybody who keeps animals needs to be concerned about.

As of this time, none of the goats have been found.

Pregnant goats and newborns stolen from California dairy farm. ‘I want to give up’

★     Number of livestock stolen or killed on the rise, UDAF says
★     Drake Family Farms (California)




Also in the News...

★     A community suffers the consequences of irresponsible pet ownership (The Duties & Responsibilities of Pet Ownership)
★     (Video) Stolen French bulldogs returned to owner (Stolen Dogs & Happy Endings)
★     Wenatchee bans exotic animal possession, including use by circuses (Exotic Animal Bans; Exhibits & Circuses)
★     Dead livestock reported floating down Michigan river, prompting investigation (Animal Care & Welfare; Public Health & Safety)
★     Humane society in Northern Michigan rescues 51 animals from ‘suspected hoarding situation’ (Hoarding & Seizures; Medical & Housing Needs)
★     Leon County officials say 60 dogs confiscated due to muddy cages, ordinance violations
 (Unhealthy Conditions; Rescued from Rescues) 
★     Animals beginning with 'Q' (Quite the Quintessential List)

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